What do you think is the MOST important part of an effective Readiness Assurance Process for a student? Share what you picked, and why you thought that was the most important feature!

  • Accountability (Students must be accountable for the quality of their individual and group work)
  • Assignment design (Team assignments must promote both learning and team development)
  • Feedback (Students must receive frequent and timely feedback)
  • Teams (Teams must be properly formed and managed)
  • Others (please comment)
0 voters

I think it is hard to select only one thing. Feedback and accountability are clearly strenghts of the RAT process, but it also depends on how well they are crafted and mapped to the learning outcomes and how well the discussion is facilitated to both clarify as well as probe for deeper learning.

I agree with @SandyCook. There’s also the tension between what I think is the most important part vs what I can realistically achieve or aim to get

I agree that both Assignment Design and Accountability are absolutely essential. The reason I picked Feedback is because it is the key to both designing effective assignments and promoting accountability. Unless your assignments are designed to provide frequent and timely feedback, they won’t promote either learning or team development. Also, providing frequent and timely feedback is the key to holding students accountable for their decisions.

Great insights, everyone!

If you’d like to explore best practices for optimizing RATs, we invite you to our free webinar, Empowering Readiness Assurance Process with InteDashboard, on Feb 5 at 11 am EST / 4 pm GMT.

We’ll discuss the poll results, share strategies for improving RATs, and show how learning analytics and real-time feedback can enhance student performance. Plus, you’ll have the chance to ask questions live!

:date: You can reserve your spot here.
Looking forward to seeing you there! :rocket:

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Hi everyone,

This poll sparked some great reflections on what makes a successful Readiness Assurance Process (RAP) and we’ve heard some great conversations during the event webinar with Brian.

To build on these, we’ve put together a resource that breaks down the core components of an effective RAP, covering:

:white_check_mark: Properly formed and managed groups
:white_check_mark: Accountability for individual and team work
:white_check_mark: Frequent and immediate feedback
:white_check_mark: Assignments that promote learning and team development

Whether you’re refining your TBL practices or just getting started, this resource offers key insights to enhance your RAP implementation.

:inbox_tray: Download it now:

The Four Essential Elements of TBL.pdf (112.0 KB)

What are your thoughts? Do you have any strategies or challenges related to these elements? Let’s keep the discussion going below! :point_down: