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Any questions about InteDashboard? You can ask them here and we will try to address them!

Do you have the LTI for Canvas? Or whom I make the request to?

Hi Ronald,
I think one of the InteDashboard people might be able to answer your question (e.g., Cynthia, Shreya, or Brian). My University uses Blackboard instead of Canvas.

Hi Ronald! Yes! We can integrate InteDashboard with Canvas. If you have Canvas Admin privileges then we should be able to set it up.

Here is an article that you might find helpful. And you or your IT may use this link to schedule a Zoom call with one of our Customer Advisors so we could configure it for your class.

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We (at the Medical Program, Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden) use Canvas together with InteDashboard for all our courses. It works really well! InteDashboard helped us set it up.


I agree. The LTI integration in Canvas at Karolinska Institutet works well. A good thing with integrating InteDashboard in the LMS (VLE) is that students and teachers only need one point of entry and get seamless access.

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