What is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to get other teachers involved in team-based learning?

Once you adopt team-based learning for your class, how do you get other teachers involved in team-based learning? How do you convince other teachers and trainers to transform their lectures into a team-based learning format? How do you get support from your educational leadership and peers to be able to deliver team-based learning in more classrooms or executive trainings?

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@TomJansen, I did a TBL workshop for the teachers in my department to convince them about the advantages of TBL.

What a wonderful way to introduce TBL to others in your department! Well done.

Interested and curious to see what others may share as they contribute to this conversation.

This is a common question and I have used it in my intro to TBL workshops – having the audience make suggestions. Some of the things they recommend:

  1. Invite faculty to see you running a TBL session
  2. Invite them to an intro to TBL workshop – to give them the experience of it.
  3. Create a support group of TBLers to discuss additional ways to support themselves, other interested faculty and convince administration.
  4. Collect evidence of impact to share with administration (as well as literature)
  • Focus on more that student’s perception.
  • Include data on educational, communication, problem solving, critical thinking (etc) outcomes,
  • maybe resources savings, recruitment value (student & faculty)
  1. Refer them to TBL websites and conferences to make connections with others in their discipline.
  2. Introduce them to various technologies and resources that can help them create modules and run their sessions.
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My approach: give a TBL introduction on a intern conference day, mentor the most interested teachers, make sure the first experience is a good one, take advantage of good evaluation, deliver a training to the department, have students share their positive experience, give a follow-up TBL training to the teachers (how to make good APPs f.e.). And than: connect the advances of TBL to the educational goals of depertment, the include TBL in the annual plans of the program and as the opportunity arises in curriculum revision. Bottum up and with support of the users (teachers and students) and connected to higher educational goals (including finance). Does this help?

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What a wonderful approach Jolanda. Getting support from students and faculty and eventually helping to update the curriculum. Lots of helpful steps suggested. Thanks for sharing!

How do others get teachers involved in team-based learning?